Group of companies "Inter Atletika"
In April 2011, a rehabilitation centre of the European level - Doctor Bubnovsky's Center - was opened in the city of Kiev on Artema Street 50. It should be noted that this is the sixth rehabilitation centre in Ukraine that works on the unique system of rehabilitation by the professor of the Biomedical Disciplines Department Sergei Bubnovsky.
The principle of these clinics is based on the treatment of spine diseases and musculoskeletal system by engaging in biomechanically adjusted professional exercise machines.
The InterAtletika is a reliable partner of this centre since 2009 and we are very pleased that every rehabilitation clinic of Professor Bubnovsky in Ukraine is equipped with the products of our company.
In Ukraine, the Rehabilitation Center at Artema 50 is the central clinic and the choice of the equipment range there was thought out thoroughly. The Commission of Professional Physicians after numerous tests have chosen the Inter Atletik Gym.
Also, we would like to mention that in June the same centre opens in Donetsk and it will also be equipped with exercise machines of our company. We wish our long-term partner - Dr. Bubnovsky's centre - good luck in business and in the future the opening of new centres in Ukraine.