Group of companies "Inter Atletika"
Dear visitors and participants of the exhibition! Thank you for visiting the stand of Inter Atletika company at KyivBuild 2016!
So, the treadmill - you decided.
We will help you to choose the best option for this type of simulator.
XIII International Specialized Exhibition of CommunTech - 2015. 10 - 13 November, Kiev, Brovarsky Ave. 15, Ukraine.
FSB Cologne - the international exhibition of sports structures, pools and the organization of leisure.
Jana Dubovaya and Timophey Nagorny do exercises in the morning on the outdoor fitness equipment of the InterAtletika company
On the 8 of December, the revolutionary cardio equipment Multitrack 3000 was presented to the public in the hypermarket Epicenter.
On September 11, representatives of the InterAtletika Group of Companies met our Paralympic team at the airport.
The veterans of the World War the Second were honoured on the territory of InterAtletika in Bucha on the 9th of May.
The competition of the Black Sea Cup in bodybuilding in memory of Sergei Vorobyov, took place in Sevastopol on the 23 of April.
From April 29 to May 1, 2011, in the exhibition centre of the Pushkin Park, the Fitness Bomb festival took place.
On May 7, 2011, in the city of Perevalsk, Lugansk region, the Cup of Ukraine on bodybuilding, bodyfitness and fitness started.
Dear partners and clients of the InterAtletika Group of Companies! Thank you for your trust and work with the equipment of Ukrainian production